Siberian Husky vs. Deutsch Drahthaar: Breed Differences and Similarities


Are Siberian Huskys or Deutsch Drahthaars hypoallergenic, or neither?

Unfortunately, neither Siberian Husky nor Deutsch Drahthaar are hypoallergenic, which may not make them the best choice for dog lovers who suffer from pet allergies.


What is the origin of Siberian Husky and Deutsch Drahthaar dog breeds?




What are the origins of Siberian Husky and Deutsch Drahthaar breeds?

Spitz-type Dogs

Pointer, Pudlepointer, Griffon, Stichelhaar

Date of Birth

When were Siberian Husky and Deutsch Drahthaar breeds first developed?

Ancient Times


Eye Color Possibilites

What are the eye colors of Siberian Husky and Deutsch Drahthaar dogs?



Nose Color Possibilites

What are the natural nose colors of Siberian Husky and Deutsch Drahthaar?



Coat Color Possibilites

What are the natural colors of the coat for Siberian Husky and Deutsch Drahthaar breeds?



Coat Length

What is the typical coat length for Siberian Husky and Deutsch Drahthaar breeds?

3 / 5

The coat of Siberian Husky and Deutsch Drahthaar dogs falls in the medium-length category.

Coat Density

What is the density of the coat of Siberian Husky and Deutsch Drahthaar?

4 / 5

3 / 5

Coat Texture

What is the hair texture of Siberian Husky and Deutsch Drahthaar?



Litter Size

What is the usual litter size for Siberian Husky and Deutsch Drahthaar?

Siberian Husky and Deutsch Drahthaar, can have a litter of 12-14 puppies each on average. Nonetheless, it's important to keep in mind that litter size can differ significantly between individual dogs. Various factors such as the mother's health, breeding history, and genetics can have an impact on litter size.

Major Concerns

What are the major health concerns for Siberian Husky and Deutsch Drahthaar breeds?

Laryngeal Paralysis

Canine Hip Dysplasia (Chd)

Minor Concerns

What minor health issues should be kept in mind when owning Siberian Husky and Deutsch Drahthaar?

Hip Dysplasia
Eye Problems
Zinc Responsive Dermatosis

Shoulder Osteochondrosis
Eye Conditions

Occasional Tests

What occasional tests are recommended for Siberian Husky and Deutsch Drahthaar breeds?

Skin Scraping
Eye Examination

Eye Examination
Physical Examination
X-rays or other radiographic imaging

Past times

What are some enjoyable activities and ways to keep Siberian Husky and Deutsch Drahthaar entertained?

Take pictures, Groom, Go to Park, Walk, Play, Chasing leaves, Fetch, Play keep away, Pulling, Exploring, Toys, Walking, Running, Sniffing, Play fighting, Hike, Run, Pooping, Peeing, Jump, Kisses, Chasing birds, Chase, Tons of running, More running, Tug-of-war, Playing, Brushing, Snow, Sniff

Retrieve, Walk, Run, Road trip, Socialize, Hunt, Swim, Fetch, Walking, hiking

Activity Level

Which breed has higher energy, Siberian Huskys or Deutsch Drahthaars?

Siberian Husky and Deutsch Drahthaar are high-energy dogs that require a lot of mental and physical exercise. Without proper stimulation and attention, these breeds can become problematic. If you're considering these breeds, be prepared to invest time and effort in their exercise and training.

Walks per Week

How many miles should Siberian Husky or Deutsch Drahthaar walk each week?

There's really no limit to how far you walk your dog as long as they're comfortable. For Siberian Husky, it's at least 14 miles / week. Just remember to build distance and stamina gradually over time.

There's really no limit to how far you walk your dog as long as they're comfortable. For Deutsch Drahthaar, it's at least 10 miles / week. Just remember to build distance and stamina gradually over time.

Activity per Day

Do Siberian Huskys or Deutsch Drahthaars require more exercise?

In general most Siberian Huskys usually need at least 90 minutes of exercise daily. This can be spread across the day and include all sorts of high-energy activities, like walking, running and playing.

In general most Deutsch Drahthaars usually need at least 60 minutes of exercise daily. This can be spread across the day and include all sorts of high-energy activities, like walking, running and playing.

Brushing Frequency

What is the recommended brushing frequency for Siberian Husky and Deutsch Drahthaar dogs?

Siberian Husky should be brushed at least once a week. Of course you can give them more frequent brushes if you find that they are still shedding a lot

Ideally, Deutsch Drahthaar should be brushed at least 2 or 3 times a week (preferably daily) improve shedding.

Brushing Tools

What brushing tools are used for Siberian Huskys and Deutsch Drahthaars?

Slicker Brush
Nail Clipper

Pin Brush
Nail Clipper


How much food should be given to Siberian Husky or Deutsch Drahthaar in cups?

For an average 44-60 pound (20 - 27 kg) Siberian Husky feed 3 cups daily. But, keep in mind, the amount you feed is going to be dependent on the quality of the food you are feeding.

For an average 60-70 pound (27 - 32 kg) Deutsch Drahthaar feed 2.5 cups daily. But, keep in mind, the amount you feed is going to be dependent on the quality of the food you are feeding.

Daily Cost

Which breed has a higher daily cost, Siberian Husky or Deutsch Drahthaar?

Siberian Husky and Deutsch Drahthaar have a similar average daily cost of around $1.70 - $2.00.

Monthly Cost

Which breed has a higher monthly cost, Siberian Husky or Deutsch Drahthaar?

When it comes to monthly expenses, both Siberian Husky and Deutsch Drahthaar have a similar average cost, ranging from $48 - $63. This results in an average yearly cost of around $576 - $756.